Contenido del curso
Intro a Rows
Archer Rows on Rings
One Arm 45° Rows
One Arm Horizontal Rows
One Arm Declined Rows
Rows - Outro
Pull Ups
Pull Ups - Intro
L Sit Pull Ups on Rings
Archer Pull Ups on Rings
One Arm Negative Pull Ups
One Arm Pull Ups
Pull Up 9
Pull Ups - Outro
Pull Up Hold
Pull Up Hold - Intro
Wrist Assisted One Arm
Bicep Assisted One Arm
One Arm Hold Head Over the Bar
One Arm 90 Degree Hold
Pull Ups Hold - Outro
Explosive Pull Ups
Explosive Pull Ups - Intro
Clap Pull Up
Pull Ups to Abs
Pull Ups to Hips
L Sit Pull Ups to Abs
L Sit Pull Ups to Hips
Explosive Pull Ups Outro
Muscle Up
Muscle Ups - Intro
Muscle Ups
Muscle Ups on Rings
Wide Muscle Ups
L Sit Muscle Ups on Rings
Archer Muscle Ups on Rings
Muscle Ups - Outro
Front Lever Hold
Front Lever Hold - Intro
Straddle Front Lever
45 Degree Front Lever
Half Layout Front Lever
Front Lever
Wide Front Lever
Front Lever Hold - Outro
Front Lever Raises
Front Lever Raises - Intro
Dragon Flags
Half Layout Raises
Full Raises to 90 degrees
Full Range Negatives
Full Range Raises
Front Lever Raises - Outro
Front Lever Pull Ups - Intro
Advanced Tuck Front Lever Pull Ups
One Leg Front Lever Negative Pull Ups
One Leg Front Lever Pull Ups
Negative Front Lever Pull Ups
Front Lever Pull Ups
Front Lever Pull Ups - Outro
Victorian - Intro
Tuck Victorian
Advanced Tuck Victorian
One Leg Victorian
Touch Front Lever
Victorian Hold
Victorian - Outro
Weighted Pull Ups
Weighted Pull Ups
Push Ups
Push Ups - Intro
Ring Turned Out Push Ups
Archer Push Ups on Rings
Full Range Push Ups
Full Range Push Ups on Rings
One Arm Push Ups
Push Ups - Outro
Weighted Push Ups
Weighted Push Ups
Dips - Intro
45 degree dips
Wide Dips on Rings
Straight Bar Deep Dips
Archer Dips on Rings
Ring Turned Out Dips
Dips - Outro
Weighted Dips
Weighted Dips
Handstand Hold
Handstand Hold - Intro
Uneven Handstand
One Arm Fingertips Handstand
One Arm Straddle Handstand
One Arm Full Handstand
Handstand Hold - Outro
Handstand Push Ups
Handstand Push Ups - Intro
Handstand Push Ups on Wall
Deficit Handstand Push Ups on Wall
Handstand Push Up
Deficit Handstand Push Up
90° Handstand Push Up
Handstand Push Up - Outro
Handstand Press
Handstand Press - Intro
Bent Arm Press from L Sit
Tuck Handstand Press
Straddle Handstand Press
Handstand Press from L Sit
Handstand Press
Handstand Press - Outro
Planche Hold
Planche Hold - Intro
Advanced Tuck Planche
Planche Lean
Straddle Planche
Half Layout Planche
Planche Hold - Outro
Planche Push Ups
Pseudo Push Ups Hands to Hips
Tuck Planche Push Ups
Straddle Planche Push Ups
Advanced Tuck Planche Push Ups
Full Planche Push Ups
Planche Push Ups - Outro
Planche Press
Planche Lean to Handstand Climb
Tuck Planche Press
Advanced Tuck Planche Press
Straddle Planche Press
Full Planche Press
Planche Press Outro
L Sit to Manna
L Sit to Manna - Intro
45° V Sit
70° V Sit
L Sit
Tuck Manna
Leg Raises
Leg raises - Intro
Toes to Bar
Knees to elbow
V Raises on P Bars
I Raises on P Bars
Leg raises - Outro
Hollow Body
Hollow Body - Intro
45° Hollow Body Hanging
Tuck Hollow Body
Advanced Tuck Hollow Body
One Arm Hollow Body Hanging
Hollow Body Facing Down P Bars
Plank - Intro
Star Plank
Planche Lean
Planche Lean Feet On Suspension Trainer
Superman Plank
Superman Plank Hands Rings
Plank - Outro
Human Flag
Human Flag - Intro
30 Flag
Advanced Tuck Flag
One Leg Flag
Straddle Flag
Full Flag
Human Flag - Outro
Back Lever
Back Lever - Intro
Back Lever
Half Layout Back Lever
Back Lever
One Arm Back Lever
Back Lever
Heffesto - Intro
Inverted Hang Bicep Curls to Back
One Leg Back Lever Pullups
Back Lever Pull Ups
Información general
- $150.00
- 188 lecciones
- 2.5 horas de contenido en video